Sunday, July 16, 2006

{((The Heart Inside Me))}i{((One-Shot))}

[I tried a new writing style. It's supposed to sound more imaginative and symbolic, I guess. Yeah, I think it sucks ass too. So print it out and set fire to it, please and thank you.]


Out the window, that's where they had all flown away. They could all escape this. This feeling that smothers me. Like someone's pushing me face down into the soft pillow, forcing me to scream out to no one. No one, who will ever come to save me, who cares at all about me anymore.

That's what he said he was doing to me. Just smothering me, tying my wings back and leaving me to fight the wonders of the ground. Lies. Everything he said. It wasn't him smothering me. That, that role was taken by me. He was the bright firefly meant for so much more, caught in my small jar for my amusement. And then I tripped and fell and he escaped to do more, to join those like him.

I can see the children, small as ants, and the swing set, where we shared our first kiss, from here, high above the towns. This is where I want to belong. Where the birds fly and the clouds just roll on for eternity, where the ground drops to the small people bound to it below. But that's where I belong. With those people who are all damned to spend their lives walking the same dirty, sinned paths back to their children with their same damned fate.

The rocks don't crunch beneath me anymore. I've stopped consuming the cursed poison we call food. It was all made it the fires of hell by Lucifer's dead minions damning us further into hell. My feet hover on the line between this hell and the freedom where those who really live can fly. Let me fly away with them, let me escape. I keep walking until I feel the rocky cliff disappear behind me. I want to fly away from this place.

Don't leave me alone anymore. Let me come with you, out the window.

Come save me, crows. Bring me away with you. Fly me away to fade in the darkness of the day for sinners. Save me from my damned fate. Save me from the evil planted in this sinned and scarred skin.

We're more alike than it seems. Both covered in darkness and trying to escape. Help me. Let me join you. Or at least save this heart that beats in me from this damned fate I am bound to.


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